Tupinamba Saudade is the last of the Tubinamba soudmachines - soundmachine. All the native americans that lived in the region when the portugueses arrived at the XVIth century. The owner, DJ Dinho, is proud of his indigenous roots. The machine was created by Marcelo "Projesom" - one of the most talented craftman of the state of Pará.

Tupinamba Saudade is the last of the Tubinamba soudmachines - soundmachine. All the native americans that lived in the region when the portugueses arrived at the XVIth century. The owner, DJ Dinho, is proud of his indigenous roots. The machine was created by Marcelo "Projesom" - one of the most talented craftman of the state of Pará.

Cobra Som (Cobra Sound) is a middle sized machine from the district of Pedreira in Belém do Pará, founded by DJ Eduardo and created by Grande do Som, one of the most famous craftman of "aparelhagens"

Launching party of the Beast ('Fera") the new Ouro Negro soundmachine at the Metropole club, suburb of Belém do Pará, september 2016. The machine was built by Jo„o do Som, one of the most proeminent craftsman and creator of machines..

Small soundsystem in Santa Barbara do Pará, as existare hundreds in the state. Heating of the party before the Rubi - the spaceship of the Sound - starts - as the main attraction, in a rural site. 2017 // Pequena aparelhagem em Santa Barbara do Pará, como existem centenas no estado. Aquecimento da festa aonde o Rubi - a nave do Som - é a atração principal, num sitio rural. 2017

Launch party for the new Crocodilo Tudor - the biggest machine ever (12 meters long) at the Via Show club In Belém do Para, September 2023. It was built by RC Design, on the most respected soundmachine makers, based in Barcarena.
Robsom - the sound Robot - soundsystem in Belm do Par 2017.

Party featuring the Badalasom (The Buffalo soudmachine from the island of MarajÛ) at the Mans„o do ForrÛ club in BÈlem do Par·. This machine was build by Marcelo "Projesom" - one of the most prestigious "aparelhagem" maker.

Party featuring the Badalasom (The Buffalo soudmachine from the island of MarajÛ) at the Mans„o do ForrÛ club in BÈlem do Par·.

Superpop, "the fire eagle, the crowd pusher", one of the biggest machines in Belem. In the middle of the night, the fire eagle takes off graciously thanks to its hydraulic system and shoots its fireworks and lasers, in a pyrotechnic show at the edge of technology..

Superpop, "the fire eagle, the crowd pusher", one of the biggest machines in Belem. In the middle of the night, the fire eagle takes off graciously thanks to its hydraulic system and shoots its fireworks and lasers, in a pyrotechnic show at the edge of technology..

Dj's Edilson e Edielson command the Principe Negro (the Black Prince) one of the most appreciated Equipment of the state of Para. Based Belem's peripherical district of Jurunas, became in a few years a case of success in the whole state..
Dj's Edilson e Edielson command the Principe Negro (the Black Prince) one of the most appreciated Equipment of the state of Para. Based Belem's peripherical district of Jurunas, became in a few years a case of success in the whole state..

Superpop, The fire eagle, one of the machines which has taken over the Tecnobrega scene in Belem. Around 04:00 AM, DJ Juninho is getting on with his show at the African Bar: in "Aparelhagem" (Equipements) parties, the DJs are adulated as semi-gods, talking to the public and their acting is an integral part of the ritual of sound and lighting. From the periphery, the contempted Tecnobrega did conquest the upper class of Belém.

Pop Live, the 2016 version of the Superpop, "the fire eagle, the crowd pusher", one of the biggest machines in Belem. "Festa da Cerveja" (yearly Beer Party) in Igarapé Açu. The most expected soundmachines show of the Year with DJ's Elison & Juninho, the most famous of the Tecnobrega scene... In the middle of the night, the fire eagle takes off graciously thanks to its hydraulic system and shoots its fireworks and lasers, in a pyrotechnic show at the edge of technology..

"The Powerful Rubi, the Sound Spaceship" .is one of the leader "aparelhagem" of Belem and its region. .The first soundmachine from the Santos family is born is the 1950s. More than a half century of innovation from this "Sound family". In the middle of the night, the sound spaceship will take off graciously thanks to its hydraulic system and shoots its fireworks and lasers, in a pyrotechnic show at the edge of technology.

"The Powerful Rubi, the Sound Spaceship" .is one of the leader "aparelhagem" of Belem and its region. .The first soundmachine from the Santos family is born is the 1950s. More than a half century of innovation from this "Sound family". In the middle of the night, the sound spaceship will take off graciously thanks to its hydraulic system and shoots its fireworks and lasers, in a pyrotechnic show at the edge of technology.

"The Powerful Rubi, the Sound Spaceship" is one of the leader "aparelhagem" of Belem and its region. Each giant machine has its own fan-clubs and symbols. The rubi shape made with four fingers is the recognizing sign of the Rubi fans..The first soundmachine from the Santos family is born is the 1950s. More than a half century of innovation from this "Sound family". In the middle of the night, the sound spaceship will take off graciously thanks to its hydraulic system and shoots its fireworks and lasers, in a pyrotechnic show at the edge of technology.

Party of the ´RUBI - the spaceship of soundª in Santa B·rbara do Pará, 2017. With DJ's Moyses and Bruninho performing. The Rubi soudsystems family has 66 years of activity in the state of Pará, one of the most beloved in the state (founded on August 13, 1952 by Orlando Santos) /// Festa da aparelhagem ´ RUBI - a Nave do Som ª em Santa Barbara do Pará, 2017. Com os DJís Moyses e Bruninho no comando. A familia das aparelhagens Rubi tem 66 anos de atividade no estado do Pará, uma das mais queridas do estado (fundada dia 13 de agosto de 1952 por Orlando Santos)

hony Herbert wears Iron Man costume before climbing on the stage of the Rubi soundsystem in Mão do Rio, in the interior of Pará, 2017, with the help of a member of a local fan club. Jhony is also the marketing director of the Rubi soundsystem, which exists in Pará for 66 years! The most important sound systems in history have fan-clubs in the whole state, that help crowding the parties. // Jhony Herbert veste a fantasia de Homem de Ferro antes de subir do palco da aparelhagem Rubi, em Mãe do Rio, interior do Pará, 2017 , com a ajuda de um membro de um fã-clube da aparelhagem. Jhony é também o diretor de Marketing da aparelhagem RUBI, que tem 66 anos de existência no Pará ! As aparelhagens mais importantes da historia tem fä-clubes no estado inteiro, que lotam as festas.

The rain did not stop the party : in Amazonia, Tecnobrega parties give a "Woodstock" spirit to the event..Tecnobrega ? traditional Brega enriched with techno music ? has brought about a renewal and caused a drastic evolution of both machines and the music: the accelerated rhythm (tunes are played at 180 BPM) and a new type of couple dancing mixing Afro-European ballroom elements and street fighting movements, display the strong Amerindian influence in Belem..The new dance is so fast that only the youngest and the fittest manage to hold the rhythm. .

Launch party of the new Bufalo do Marajó at the Recreio club in Ananindeua, suburb of Belém, state of Para

Party featuring the Badalasom "Evolution" (The second iteration of the Buffalo soudmachine from the island of Marajo, released in 2015) at the Bancrévea club in the periphery of Bélem do Par·. This machine was build by Marcelo "Projesom" - one of the most prestigious "aparelhagem" maker.

O Crocodilo - (the crocodile) took a major space in the Tecnobrega scene since 2014. Its DJ's tend to play the "press„o" style, more funk carioca and raggaton style and less melody than other machines : the croco is one of the favourite "aparelhagem" of the Youth of BelÈm,

Boy shows his heavy silver pendant with a Crocodile stamp - the Crocodilo machine is his favourite. "Aparelhagens" / soundmachines have all fan clubs in all the districts of BelÈm do Pará and beyond.

O Crocodilo - (the crocodile) took a major space in the Tecnobrega scene since 2014. Its DJ's tend to play the "press„o" style, more funk carioca and raggaton style and less melody than other machines : the croco is one of the favourite "aparelhagem" of the Youth of Belém,

Launch party for the new Crocodilo Prime - the biggest machine ever (9 meters long) at the Recreio club in Ananindeua, september 2017. It was built by João do Som, the most respected soundmachine maker. The Crocodile took a major space in the Tecnobrega scene since 2014. Its DJ's tend to play the "pressão" style, more funk carioca and raggaton style and less melody than other machines : the croco is one of the favourite "aparelhagem" of the Youth of Belém, // Festa de lançamento do Crocodilo Prime, a nova incarnação de uma das aparelhagens mais popular com a juventude de Belém. Com nove metros de comprimento, é a obra prima do mestre João do Som. Clube Recreio de Ananindeua, setembro 2017.

Launch party for the new Crocodilo Prime - the biggest machine ever (9 meters long) at the Metropoles club, september 2017. It was built by João do Som, the most respected soundmachine maker. The Crocodile took a major space in the Tecnobrega scene since 2014. Its DJ's tend to play the "pressão" style, more funk carioca and raggaton style and less melody than other machines : the croco is one of the favourite "aparelhagem" of the Youth of Belém,
During the show of the Rubi soundsystem in Me do Rio, state of Par, Brazil.

Brasilandia saudade is the last soundmachine playing with traditional vynil LP's..For the over-25, other parties are organized, the ?Bailes da saudade? (old-fashioned balls), which revive hits from the 70s, 80s or the 90s with vintage looking machines. .

Detail of Brasilandia saudade - the last soundmachine playing with traditional vynil LP's..For the over-25, other parties are organized, the ?Bailes da saudade? (old-fashioned balls), which revive hits from the 70s, 80s or the 90s with vintage looking machines. .

Brasilandia saudade, leaded by DJ Zenildo, is the last soundmachine playing with traditional vynil LP's..For the over-25, other parties are organized, the ?Bailes da saudade? (old-fashioned balls), which revive hits from the 70s, 80s or the 90s with vintage looking machines. .

Brasilandia saudade, leaded by DJ Zenildo, is the last soundmachine playing with traditional vynil LP's..For the over-25, other parties are organized, the "Bailes da saudade" (old-fashioned balls), which revive hits from the 70s, 80s or the 90s with vintage looking machines. .? Vincent Rosenblatt / Agencia Olhares

The Time Machine (Maquina do Tempo) is a Saudade / Nostalgy dedicated soundsystem, that the POP family uses in "Bailes da Saudade". This "aparelhagem" was created by Marcelo "Projesom", one of the most famous and talented craftsman of the scene.

"Her Majesty Santos" - old fashioned brega soudmachine..Named as a tribute to the Santos soccer club from the state of São Paulo.

Soudsystem of "Her Majesty Santos" - old fashioned brega soudmachine. Named as a tribute to the Santos soccer club from the state of São Paulo..
Soundsystem in the inner land of the state of Par, Brazil, 2017.

Mega Som (Mega Sound) is a small sized "aparelhagem" with an "indian arrows" inspiration design... Small soundsystems populate by hundreds the rivers shores bars in the state of Pará. DJ Kleber is already mixing even if the public did not arrive yet... Ilha do Combu 2016.

Each week-end, the youth gathers on the beaches of Salinas and party around small and medium soundsystem copled to cars or inside tuned cars. It's the fiever of automotive sound.

The last days of the old Ouro Negro (Black Gold) robot, soon to be replaced by the Fera (the Beast) - in a farewell party in Pirabas, state of Par·, northern Brazil. The robot soundmachine was built by Jo„o do Som, one of the most famous craftman of the Tecnobrega scene.

The rain did not stop the party : in Amazonia, Tecnobrega parties give a "Woodstock" spirit to the event..

Mounting of the soundsystem of the Cyborg, once one of the major soundmachine of the state of Para (but now out of business). The party starts in the afternoon and will only end at the sunrise. An Amazonian, popular rave party, swinging on the rythm of Technobrega..

The new Tupinamba DJ booth in the workshop of the soudmachine designer Marcelo "Projesom", BelÈm do Par· 2013

Brothers Ronaldo & Rogério Cravo are building the new eagle from the "Pop Som" (Pop sound) series in the complex of the family Pop, entertainers from the nights of Belém since 4 decades. The brothers are the new sensation in the small world of soundmachines makers.

For the past fourty years, even before the becoming of Tecnobrega, Jo„o do Som is the main craftsman and creator of machines adulated in the "Aparelhagem" (equipements or machines) parties in Belem. He first creates a project and its design using the Corel Draw software, before building a prototype to obtain clients¥approval. The drawing is the first step of the "Fera" (the Beast) project.

For the past fourty years, even before the becoming of Tecnobrega, Jo„o do Som is the main craftsman and creator of machines adulated in the "Aparelhagem" (equipements or machines) parties in Belem. He first creates a project and its design using the Corel Draw software, before building a prototype to obtain clients¥approval.

"The Beast" (A Fera) the new Ouro Negro (Black Gold) soundmachine being built in the suburbs of BelÈm do Par·. For the past fourty years, even before the becoming of Tecnobrega, Jo„o do Som is the main craftsman and creator of machines adulated in the "Aparelhagem" (equipements or machines) parties in BelÈm. He first creates a project and its design using the Corel Draw software, before building a prototype to obtain clients¥approval.

Technician cleaning the brend new " Beast" (A Fera) the new Ouro Negro (Black Gold) soundmachine before the launching party. For the past fourty years, even before the becoming of Tecnobrega, Jo„o do Som is the main craftsman and creator of machines adulated in the "Aparelhagem" (equipements or machines) parties in BelÈm. He first creates a project and its design using the Corel Draw software, before building a prototype to obtain clients¥approval.

Tecnobrega dance is extremely fast and techical; friends and couple train every week at the machines parties (Festas de Aparelhagem). The bar and headquarter of the Nova Dimens„o soundsystem in Sacramenta district is a heaven for the tecnobrega fans.

Tupinamba Saudade is the last of the Tubinamba soudmachines - soundmachine. All the native americans that lived in the region when the portugueses arrived at the XVIth century. The owner, DJ Dinho, is proud of his indigenous roots. The machine was created by Marcelo "Projesom" - one of the most talented craftman of the state of Pará.
Tupinamba Saudade is the last of the Tubinamba soudmachines - soundmachine. All the native americans that lived in the region when the portugueses arrived at the XVIth century. The owner, DJ Dinho, is proud of his indigenous roots. The machine was created by Marcelo "Projesom" - one of the most talented craftman of the state of Pará.
Cobra Som (Cobra Sound) is a middle sized machine from the district of Pedreira in Belém do Pará, founded by DJ Eduardo and created by Grande do Som, one of the most famous craftman of "aparelhagens"
Launching party of the Beast ('Fera") the new Ouro Negro soundmachine at the Metropole club, suburb of Belém do Pará, september 2016. The machine was built by Jo„o do Som, one of the most proeminent craftsman and creator of machines..
Small soundsystem in Santa Barbara do Pará, as existare hundreds in the state. Heating of the party before the Rubi - the spaceship of the Sound - starts - as the main attraction, in a rural site. 2017 // Pequena aparelhagem em Santa Barbara do Pará, como existem centenas no estado. Aquecimento da festa aonde o Rubi - a nave do Som - é a atração principal, num sitio rural. 2017
Launch party for the new Crocodilo Tudor - the biggest machine ever (12 meters long) at the Via Show club In Belém do Para, September 2023. It was built by RC Design, on the most respected soundmachine makers, based in Barcarena.
Robsom - the sound Robot - soundsystem in Belm do Par 2017.
Party featuring the Badalasom (The Buffalo soudmachine from the island of MarajÛ) at the Mans„o do ForrÛ club in BÈlem do Par·. This machine was build by Marcelo "Projesom" - one of the most prestigious "aparelhagem" maker.
Party featuring the Badalasom (The Buffalo soudmachine from the island of MarajÛ) at the Mans„o do ForrÛ club in BÈlem do Par·.
Superpop, "the fire eagle, the crowd pusher", one of the biggest machines in Belem. In the middle of the night, the fire eagle takes off graciously thanks to its hydraulic system and shoots its fireworks and lasers, in a pyrotechnic show at the edge of technology..
Superpop, "the fire eagle, the crowd pusher", one of the biggest machines in Belem. In the middle of the night, the fire eagle takes off graciously thanks to its hydraulic system and shoots its fireworks and lasers, in a pyrotechnic show at the edge of technology..
Dj's Edilson e Edielson command the Principe Negro (the Black Prince) one of the most appreciated Equipment of the state of Para. Based Belem's peripherical district of Jurunas, became in a few years a case of success in the whole state..
Dj's Edilson e Edielson command the Principe Negro (the Black Prince) one of the most appreciated Equipment of the state of Para. Based Belem's peripherical district of Jurunas, became in a few years a case of success in the whole state..
Superpop, The fire eagle, one of the machines which has taken over the Tecnobrega scene in Belem. Around 04:00 AM, DJ Juninho is getting on with his show at the African Bar: in "Aparelhagem" (Equipements) parties, the DJs are adulated as semi-gods, talking to the public and their acting is an integral part of the ritual of sound and lighting. From the periphery, the contempted Tecnobrega did conquest the upper class of Belém.
Pop Live, the 2016 version of the Superpop, "the fire eagle, the crowd pusher", one of the biggest machines in Belem. "Festa da Cerveja" (yearly Beer Party) in Igarapé Açu. The most expected soundmachines show of the Year with DJ's Elison & Juninho, the most famous of the Tecnobrega scene... In the middle of the night, the fire eagle takes off graciously thanks to its hydraulic system and shoots its fireworks and lasers, in a pyrotechnic show at the edge of technology..
"The Powerful Rubi, the Sound Spaceship" .is one of the leader "aparelhagem" of Belem and its region. .The first soundmachine from the Santos family is born is the 1950s. More than a half century of innovation from this "Sound family". In the middle of the night, the sound spaceship will take off graciously thanks to its hydraulic system and shoots its fireworks and lasers, in a pyrotechnic show at the edge of technology.
"The Powerful Rubi, the Sound Spaceship" .is one of the leader "aparelhagem" of Belem and its region. .The first soundmachine from the Santos family is born is the 1950s. More than a half century of innovation from this "Sound family". In the middle of the night, the sound spaceship will take off graciously thanks to its hydraulic system and shoots its fireworks and lasers, in a pyrotechnic show at the edge of technology.
"The Powerful Rubi, the Sound Spaceship" is one of the leader "aparelhagem" of Belem and its region. Each giant machine has its own fan-clubs and symbols. The rubi shape made with four fingers is the recognizing sign of the Rubi fans..The first soundmachine from the Santos family is born is the 1950s. More than a half century of innovation from this "Sound family". In the middle of the night, the sound spaceship will take off graciously thanks to its hydraulic system and shoots its fireworks and lasers, in a pyrotechnic show at the edge of technology.
Party of the ´RUBI - the spaceship of soundª in Santa B·rbara do Pará, 2017. With DJ's Moyses and Bruninho performing. The Rubi soudsystems family has 66 years of activity in the state of Pará, one of the most beloved in the state (founded on August 13, 1952 by Orlando Santos) /// Festa da aparelhagem ´ RUBI - a Nave do Som ª em Santa Barbara do Pará, 2017. Com os DJís Moyses e Bruninho no comando. A familia das aparelhagens Rubi tem 66 anos de atividade no estado do Pará, uma das mais queridas do estado (fundada dia 13 de agosto de 1952 por Orlando Santos)
hony Herbert wears Iron Man costume before climbing on the stage of the Rubi soundsystem in Mão do Rio, in the interior of Pará, 2017, with the help of a member of a local fan club. Jhony is also the marketing director of the Rubi soundsystem, which exists in Pará for 66 years! The most important sound systems in history have fan-clubs in the whole state, that help crowding the parties. // Jhony Herbert veste a fantasia de Homem de Ferro antes de subir do palco da aparelhagem Rubi, em Mãe do Rio, interior do Pará, 2017 , com a ajuda de um membro de um fã-clube da aparelhagem. Jhony é também o diretor de Marketing da aparelhagem RUBI, que tem 66 anos de existência no Pará ! As aparelhagens mais importantes da historia tem fä-clubes no estado inteiro, que lotam as festas.
The rain did not stop the party : in Amazonia, Tecnobrega parties give a "Woodstock" spirit to the event..Tecnobrega ? traditional Brega enriched with techno music ? has brought about a renewal and caused a drastic evolution of both machines and the music: the accelerated rhythm (tunes are played at 180 BPM) and a new type of couple dancing mixing Afro-European ballroom elements and street fighting movements, display the strong Amerindian influence in Belem..The new dance is so fast that only the youngest and the fittest manage to hold the rhythm. .
Launch party of the new Bufalo do Marajó at the Recreio club in Ananindeua, suburb of Belém, state of Para
Party featuring the Badalasom "Evolution" (The second iteration of the Buffalo soudmachine from the island of Marajo, released in 2015) at the Bancrévea club in the periphery of Bélem do Par·. This machine was build by Marcelo "Projesom" - one of the most prestigious "aparelhagem" maker.
O Crocodilo - (the crocodile) took a major space in the Tecnobrega scene since 2014. Its DJ's tend to play the "press„o" style, more funk carioca and raggaton style and less melody than other machines : the croco is one of the favourite "aparelhagem" of the Youth of BelÈm,
Boy shows his heavy silver pendant with a Crocodile stamp - the Crocodilo machine is his favourite. "Aparelhagens" / soundmachines have all fan clubs in all the districts of BelÈm do Pará and beyond.
O Crocodilo - (the crocodile) took a major space in the Tecnobrega scene since 2014. Its DJ's tend to play the "press„o" style, more funk carioca and raggaton style and less melody than other machines : the croco is one of the favourite "aparelhagem" of the Youth of Belém,
Launch party for the new Crocodilo Prime - the biggest machine ever (9 meters long) at the Recreio club in Ananindeua, september 2017. It was built by João do Som, the most respected soundmachine maker. The Crocodile took a major space in the Tecnobrega scene since 2014. Its DJ's tend to play the "pressão" style, more funk carioca and raggaton style and less melody than other machines : the croco is one of the favourite "aparelhagem" of the Youth of Belém, // Festa de lançamento do Crocodilo Prime, a nova incarnação de uma das aparelhagens mais popular com a juventude de Belém. Com nove metros de comprimento, é a obra prima do mestre João do Som. Clube Recreio de Ananindeua, setembro 2017.
Launch party for the new Crocodilo Prime - the biggest machine ever (9 meters long) at the Metropoles club, september 2017. It was built by João do Som, the most respected soundmachine maker. The Crocodile took a major space in the Tecnobrega scene since 2014. Its DJ's tend to play the "pressão" style, more funk carioca and raggaton style and less melody than other machines : the croco is one of the favourite "aparelhagem" of the Youth of Belém,
During the show of the Rubi soundsystem in Me do Rio, state of Par, Brazil.
Brasilandia saudade is the last soundmachine playing with traditional vynil LP's..For the over-25, other parties are organized, the ?Bailes da saudade? (old-fashioned balls), which revive hits from the 70s, 80s or the 90s with vintage looking machines. .
Detail of Brasilandia saudade - the last soundmachine playing with traditional vynil LP's..For the over-25, other parties are organized, the ?Bailes da saudade? (old-fashioned balls), which revive hits from the 70s, 80s or the 90s with vintage looking machines. .
Brasilandia saudade, leaded by DJ Zenildo, is the last soundmachine playing with traditional vynil LP's..For the over-25, other parties are organized, the ?Bailes da saudade? (old-fashioned balls), which revive hits from the 70s, 80s or the 90s with vintage looking machines. .
Brasilandia saudade, leaded by DJ Zenildo, is the last soundmachine playing with traditional vynil LP's..For the over-25, other parties are organized, the "Bailes da saudade" (old-fashioned balls), which revive hits from the 70s, 80s or the 90s with vintage looking machines. .? Vincent Rosenblatt / Agencia Olhares
The Time Machine (Maquina do Tempo) is a Saudade / Nostalgy dedicated soundsystem, that the POP family uses in "Bailes da Saudade". This "aparelhagem" was created by Marcelo "Projesom", one of the most famous and talented craftsman of the scene.
"Her Majesty Santos" - old fashioned brega soudmachine..Named as a tribute to the Santos soccer club from the state of São Paulo.
Soudsystem of "Her Majesty Santos" - old fashioned brega soudmachine. Named as a tribute to the Santos soccer club from the state of São Paulo..
Soundsystem in the inner land of the state of Par, Brazil, 2017.
Mega Som (Mega Sound) is a small sized "aparelhagem" with an "indian arrows" inspiration design... Small soundsystems populate by hundreds the rivers shores bars in the state of Pará. DJ Kleber is already mixing even if the public did not arrive yet... Ilha do Combu 2016.
Each week-end, the youth gathers on the beaches of Salinas and party around small and medium soundsystem copled to cars or inside tuned cars. It's the fiever of automotive sound.
The last days of the old Ouro Negro (Black Gold) robot, soon to be replaced by the Fera (the Beast) - in a farewell party in Pirabas, state of Par·, northern Brazil. The robot soundmachine was built by Jo„o do Som, one of the most famous craftman of the Tecnobrega scene.
The rain did not stop the party : in Amazonia, Tecnobrega parties give a "Woodstock" spirit to the event..
Mounting of the soundsystem of the Cyborg, once one of the major soundmachine of the state of Para (but now out of business). The party starts in the afternoon and will only end at the sunrise. An Amazonian, popular rave party, swinging on the rythm of Technobrega..
The new Tupinamba DJ booth in the workshop of the soudmachine designer Marcelo "Projesom", BelÈm do Par· 2013
Brothers Ronaldo & Rogério Cravo are building the new eagle from the "Pop Som" (Pop sound) series in the complex of the family Pop, entertainers from the nights of Belém since 4 decades. The brothers are the new sensation in the small world of soundmachines makers.
For the past fourty years, even before the becoming of Tecnobrega, Jo„o do Som is the main craftsman and creator of machines adulated in the "Aparelhagem" (equipements or machines) parties in Belem. He first creates a project and its design using the Corel Draw software, before building a prototype to obtain clients¥approval. The drawing is the first step of the "Fera" (the Beast) project.
For the past fourty years, even before the becoming of Tecnobrega, Jo„o do Som is the main craftsman and creator of machines adulated in the "Aparelhagem" (equipements or machines) parties in Belem. He first creates a project and its design using the Corel Draw software, before building a prototype to obtain clients¥approval.
"The Beast" (A Fera) the new Ouro Negro (Black Gold) soundmachine being built in the suburbs of BelÈm do Par·. For the past fourty years, even before the becoming of Tecnobrega, Jo„o do Som is the main craftsman and creator of machines adulated in the "Aparelhagem" (equipements or machines) parties in BelÈm. He first creates a project and its design using the Corel Draw software, before building a prototype to obtain clients¥approval.
Technician cleaning the brend new " Beast" (A Fera) the new Ouro Negro (Black Gold) soundmachine before the launching party. For the past fourty years, even before the becoming of Tecnobrega, Jo„o do Som is the main craftsman and creator of machines adulated in the "Aparelhagem" (equipements or machines) parties in BelÈm. He first creates a project and its design using the Corel Draw software, before building a prototype to obtain clients¥approval.
Tecnobrega dance is extremely fast and techical; friends and couple train every week at the machines parties (Festas de Aparelhagem). The bar and headquarter of the Nova Dimens„o soundsystem in Sacramenta district is a heaven for the tecnobrega fans.